- DEPOSIT. Please return completed booking form and pay £50.00 Deposit for regular bookings. Keys are issued three months after start date at a charge of £10.00, refundable on return of the key. £30.00 Deposit and hire fee for occasional bookings is payable by direct transfer into our bank account before time of hire to confirm any booking [Account details below]
- Deposit is non-returnable in the event of:
a. Loss or damage to hall property, furniture and fittings.
b. Failing to leave the hall in clean and tidy condition.
c. Failing to secure premises after event,
d. Allowing the sale, purchase and consumption of alcohol on or outside the premises without a licence.
e. Allowing disorderly behaviour inside or outside of premises.
f. Allowing obscene or offensive exhibition or act to take place. - INFRINGEMENTS OF LAWS AND COPYRIGHTS. The hirer is responsible for any costs incurred by the C.C.H.Committee for infringement of any laws or copyrights occurring during the period of hire as detailed below:
a. Sale of alcohol must be covered by an occasional licence applied for by licensee after the committee have agreed to hire.
b. Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act [1963].
c. Musical Copyright.
d. Stage production licence .[The Hall is licensed for recorded and live music] - SAFETY REGULATIONS. The hirer should ensure insurance policies are observed relating to Hall and contents as below:
i. No obstructions in gangways and entrances,
ii. Fire appliances are kept in their proper place and not tampered with.
iii. All fire exits are unlocked and free from obstructions,
iv. No electrical or gas fitting is altered.
v. All electrical items are turned off at the end of the event.
vi. Chairs and tables are stacked safely in the appropriate area.
vii. All doors and windows are secured at end of event.
viii. Children should be supervised by an adult at all times on or outside the premises
ix. Hirers are responsible for relating all safety procedures to their members and helpers.
Hirers are responsible for their own safety induction, first aid training, first aid kits, accident books and reports. Any incidents should be reported to C.C.H. management Committee immediately. - C.C.H.Management Committee will not be responsible for any damage or loss incurred to property left on or outside Hall premises.
- Number of persons admitted to any function shall not exceed one hundred and fifty people.
- CONTRACT HIRERS FEES: Fees are due no later than 14 days after issue of monthly bill. 24 hours’ notice at least for any cancellations. Please pay directly into the account each month using details below or by cheque/cash to the Treasurer. Failure to pay on time will result in return of the keys and a weekly payment scheme being put in place until any arrears are paid in full.
- HALL MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE According to the terms of the lease ,all regular groups using the Hall need to have a representative serving on the Hall Management Committee
Bank Account Details:
Name of Bank: Lloyds Bank
Payee Name: Credenhill Community Hall Committee
Sort Code: 30-94-14
Account Number: 00540278
Please put identifying reference/name to transactions e.g. Name and type of event.